Can’t wait to start your vacation? Spare your time avoiding heavy luggage. Bring just the necessary, We will take care of all.
Only Don Antonio offers to its Guests a huge amount of free services.
Wi-fi in the public areas: by the Reception, Swimming pool and Street Food zone.
In all accommodations you will find, in addition to the drying rack and the bike rack, a set of pots and pans, washed and sanitized by our team, according to the WHO Protocol.
The air conditioning in the accommodations is for free use.
Each accommodation is equipped with a beach umbrella and two sun loungers on the Don Antonio equipped beach.
During the holiday, the waste must be delivered in the separate waste collection area, in the private car park. All the Guests receive organic bag for organic waste by the Reception.
For your vehicle, there is a place in the private parking inside the village.
Thus, the animation service, miniclub, access to the sports fields on the beach, entry to the swimming pool, are included in the price.
In the pool there are available umbrellas and sunbeds. Guests can use them, without any reservation and charge.
For baby Guests, Lifeguards deliver free Swim Diapers.
Warm showers and Shampoo gel are available at the pool and beach.
Upon request, hair dryer, iron and bottle warmer.
Furthermore, if you are fond of reading, the Don Antonio reception offers a library with more than five hundred books.